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Showing posts from May, 2020

The Pineys: Book 1: My Cousin, the Piney - BOOK REVIEW

Hello everyone! This blog post is a book review on the first book in the series: The Pineys. This book is, "The Pineys: Book 1: My Cousin, the Piney" written by Tony DiGerolamo. *I was kindly asked to read this book in exchange for an honest review* General Information Page Length: Depending on the edition, the page length is around 193 pages. Genres: Horror, Action/Adventure, Legend. Age Recommendation: 16-17+ *Swearing and sexual content, gruesome themes* Synopis In the year of 1732, Mother Leeds gave birth to the Jersey Devil, but many people believe that Mother Leeds was a witch that opened up the portals to Hell, causing hundreds of devils to roam in the woods of Pine Barrens for years. In the village of Abe's Hat, cousins after cousins of the Galloway family had formed a secret hunting society to hunt down the devils and close the portals to Hell forever. To the current day, the Galloway family have still been hunting the devils in secret. In book 1, ...

Of My Many Years Of Youth - BOOK REVIEW

Hello everyone! I hope you are all safe and well. ♡♡ This book review is on the book: Of My Many Years Of Youth written by Emma McNamara and published when she was 17-years-old! (How amazing to have wrote and published a book at that age!) General Information Page Length: Of My Many Years Of Youth consists of 244 pages (depending on the edition, this may vary). Themes/Genres: Youth, Accepting yourself, Coming-of-age, Young Adult, Teen fiction, Magical Realism, a bit of Romance too! Age Recommendation: I would recommend this book to ages 13+  Synopsis 16 year old Jessica is lost in her many years of youth. Dreading the reality of high-school, she longs to be in kindergartener again. To be a little kid again. The kindergarten just over the fence of the highschool seems like torture, all the highschoolers doing work, whilst the kindergarteners are free to play and enjoy their youth. Jessica wishes that she can go back. Go back to the days where she was stress-free i...

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