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Of My Many Years Of Youth - BOOK REVIEW

Hello everyone! I hope you are all safe and well. ♡♡
This book review is on the book: Of My Many Years Of Youth written by Emma McNamara and published when she was 17-years-old! (How amazing to have wrote and published a book at that age!) Of My Many Years Of Youth (9780578428420): Emma ...

General Information
Page Length: Of My Many Years Of Youth consists of 244 pages (depending on the edition, this may vary).
Themes/Genres: Youth, Accepting yourself, Coming-of-age, Young Adult, Teen fiction, Magical Realism, a bit of Romance too!
Age Recommendation: I would recommend this book to ages 13+ 

16 year old Jessica is lost in her many years of youth. Dreading the reality of high-school, she longs to be in kindergartener again. To be a little kid again. The kindergarten just over the fence of the highschool seems like torture, all the highschoolers doing work, whilst the kindergarteners are free to play and enjoy their youth. Jessica wishes that she can go back. Go back to the days where she was stress-free in kindergarten. Go back to the years of her youth. 
6 year old Jessica is lost in her many years of youth. Dreading the reality of kindergarten, she longs to be in highschool. To be a "big kid." The high school just over the fence of the kindergarten does not seem fair to Jessica. Jessica wishes that she can be a "big kid", do what big kids do; stay up late, go to highschool, learn super cool stuff! Jessica wants to explore and break the boundries of her many years of youth.
Can one wish change everything? Can one wish change both Jess' views on their many years of youth? Of their many years of youth, which one will they choose to the brighest? 6 years, or 16 years?

My Review
Of My Many Years Of Youth is such a sweet and well-written book! I felt connected with this book as I am like 16-year old Jess; there are times where I want to be young again. (don't we all?).
This book helped me to realise and understand that no matter the year, all our years combined are the brightest, they make up who I am. I really liked the perspectives of both sides of Jess; the perspective of 6 year old Jess and the perspective of 16 year old Jess. When both of their perspectives would end/start on similiar words I thought that was amazing and such a thoughtful idea/consideration put into the book as both Jess' are the same people, they should think alike. The perspectives were true as well. I could understand the characters and feel a connection with them which made the story engaging to read. The book was also quite quick to read too! (I could not put this book down!)

I was hoping however that there would be more of an explanation to how the wishing actually happened and how the locket was controlling it, plus the flashes of rainbow in the sky, but it did not disappoint me, it was just something I was hoping to read in the story to understand better. Sometimes I would also think, "how could a six-year old think like that?" I thought about my six-year old cousins, I do not believe one would handle the situation like six-year old Jess did! But then, my other cousin would probably handle it like Jess, or even more maturely. It got me thinking that 'six-year old Jess' is sort of like the perfect representation of a six-year old. Emma McNamara considered all the different thoughts, views ands ideas of six-year olds and combined them into the character of six-year old Jess! The characterisation of most characters were done well!
One another small thing, I could not believe how mean six-year olds are! Yes, it was showing their character and personality, but at times I would ponder about it.
Overall, this story is written so well! I loved it so much! I'm looking forward to reading more of Emma's books! :)

Star Rating
I rate Of My Many Years Of Youth ⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Of My Many Years Of Youth is such a sweet and relatable read! It is very well-written and explores breaking the boundries of youth. Is life better when you are six, or sixteen? Or do all of our years combine into one full-filled life? This is what Of My Many Years Of Youth delves into. An enjoyable read, suited for teens and young adults." Book Reviews By Sophie McC

Thank you for taking the time to read my review! Comment below any questions, thoughts, ect! :)
Sophie x ♥️

Emma McNamara
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For more information about Emma McNamara and her books, click on the links below!

Photos from Amazon and Instagram.


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