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Showing posts from December, 2018

Book Review - 'The Secret Garden'

Welcome back! Merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas! In this post I will be reviewing the book 'The Secret Garden' by 'Frances Hodgson Burnett.' My Review As a child I was a confident reader so for one of my birthday presents I received 'The Secret Garden' and fell in love with it instantly. The plot is so beautifully set. Also, I love how Frances has expressed the characters and their personalities as well as each "scene." When reading the book I could easily picture the characters and the events that were happening. 'The Secret Garden' is such a delightful old classic that will make the reader turn each page with joy. Frances Hodgson Burnett My Overall Rating is ⭐⭐⭐⭐ STARS. My reasoning is that I remember reading the very beginning of the book and found it quite boring but as I keep reading each chapter the book became more and more interesting and joyful. My recommendation for who should read ...

Magazine Review - 'Teen Breathe' Issue 6

Hello! Welcome back to 'Book Reviews By Sophie McC.' This review is a bit different from the others reviews I have done as I am reviewing a magazine. The magazine I am reviewing on this post is the 'Teen Breathe' magazine. (Issue 6 Australia) My Review 'Teen Breathe' is my favourite magazine. I found Issue 6 this year and have just fallen in love with it. Something that makes 'Teen Breathe'  better than other magazines is that there is no advertising of other products. There is only two advertisements which is to subscribe to their magazines and to purchase their daily planner. That's it! No silly advertisements! Also, 'Teen Breathe'  has helpful and inspirational articles. Here are my top 3 favourite articles in the magazine: 'Don't Be Sorry' article as it made me realise and understand that instead of saying 'sorry' all the time, there are other phrases you can say instead depending on the situation. ' Attitude o...

Book Review - 'Once' by Morris Gleitzman

Hello! Welcome back to 'Book Reviews By Sophie McC.' On this post I will be doing my second book review on the 'Once' book as well as some brief notices on the rest of the books in the series. ( Once, Then, Now, After, Soon and Maybe ) All of these books are written by the fabulous 'Morris Gleitzman.' Firstly, I will begin with my review of the book, followed by some general information and finally a brief description of what the books are about. My Review Oh. My. Gosh. 'Once' and the rest of the books in this series are pretty much my FAVOURITE books ever! I received the first three books for my birthday this year and I have absolutely devoured them. These books are written about World War II and reading them made me feel extremely grateful of what our world is today. This is something that I guarantee every reader will feel. Something that makes the books unique and different from other types of books is that in 'Once'  every ...

Book Review - 'Echo' by Pam Muñoz Ryan

Hey guys! Welcome to 'Book Reviews By Sophie McC' where I review books! For my first ever book review, I am reviewing 'Echo' by Pam Muñoz Ryan. Pam is also the author of 'Esperanza Rising'  and 'The Dreamer.'  My Review Wow! Where do I start? I read  'Echo'  a few years ago and it has been one of my favourite books that I have read. Each part (out of 4 parts) has the main characters facing an incredible challenge that will leave the reader not wanting to put the book down and wanting to know more and more as they progress through each part of the book. Part 4 is literally the best part of the book as it connects the three other stories together as one. I absolutely love the way Pam has done this! Her writing style is so unique! I recommend this book to confident readers as well as probably older readers. My overall rating of  'Echo'  by Pam Muñoz Ryan is ⭐⭐⭐⭐  and a HALF stars.  My reasoning behind this is because some readers ...

Welcome / What is Book Reviews By Sophie McC

📚Hello everyone!📚  Welcome to my very first post! My name is Sophie and I absolutely love to read and I thought that making a Book Review Blog would be such a fantastic idea! In this blog, I will be reviewing books that I have read in the past, as well as books I have read more currently.  Also, in most of the books that I review, I will include a brief description of the book. Please feel free to comment if my blog has helped you or if have any book suggestions for me to read! Lastly, I would like to say that the books that I am reviewing are teen and young adult themed books. Thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog!!

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