Welcome back to 'Book Reviews By Sophie McC.' The book I will be reviewing in this blog post is, 'The Tattooist Of Auschwitz.' General Information 'The Tattooist Of Auschwitz' is Fiction but based on a true story. The author is Heather Morris and the book was published last year in 2018. 'The Tattooist Of Auschwitz' is telling Lale Sokolov's story as being one of the prisoners in the Auschwitz concentration camp at the time of WWII There are 270 pages. Age recommendation - Because this book is based on real events that happened, it may affect many people. My age recommendation is around 14+ but keep in mind that some of the reading may be distressful. Brief Description 'The Tattooist Of Auschwitz' is telling the story of real-life Holocaust survivor, Lale Sokolov. The book tells his story about when he was on the train to the concentration camp, when he entered the camp, how he became the tattooist, the story of his love life plus ma...
Hi! My name is Sophie and I love to read! Welcome to, 'Book Reviews by Sophie McC.' Feel free to read my reviews,comment your thoughts and share them with your friends! Happy reading! Make sure to follow my blog and subscribe! (Message me on Instgram if you wish to subscribe to my blog). Email: bookreviewsbysophiemcc@gmail.com Instgram: @bookreviewsbysophiemcc PLEASE NOTE: Cookies are in use.